High Trust Cultures
Many leaders fall prey to the trap that reaction to employee needs is an excellent way to address concerns or handle organizational growth. However, these leaders forget that reaction is often the last line of defense before turnover takes an organization by storm. ...
Change Your Narrative
During our April Think Tank, Dr. Fred addressed the importance of focusing on your inner narrative when leading and how this relates to maximizing your impact.
We all deal with the inner critic in our heads. It’s easy to fall down the rabbit hole each passing day....
Environments of Trust
What does it really mean to have an open door policy?
Most leaders strive to have an open door policy with their coworkers, but what sets world-class leaders from all the rest is their ability to create a safe environment where their employees feel safe sharing feedback and...
Creating A Competitive Advantage Culture
Competitive advantage is the holy grail of business. Finding ways to differentiate, lower costs, and elevate performance above the competition creates a level of effectiveness and efficiency that all firms strive toward in their operations....
5 Ways to Address Your Inner Critic
We all battle the inner critic that lives in our heads. Negative self-talk sabotages our effectiveness and, in return, our ability to serve, impact, and lead those around us. In short, we get in our own way. However, there's hope. If...
Overcome Burnout
How do you get out of the pit of burnout? Tracy Johnson provides helpful strategies for strengthening resiliency each day. Being vulnerable, choosing gratitude, and finding activities that bring you joy are critical to fighting burnout and living a full life.
What do you do to...